The database code generators writes an incremental script for creating, and updating, a Relational database model based on your model. A RISE model contains - unless it's been refactored - the entire life-cycle of your data model. The code generator translates this life-cycle into an incremental database specific script. Currently, RISE provides the code generators for SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The application source code generators creates code, in a particular programming language, for working with a database based on the same RISE model. The generated code includes classes for managing database access and for publishing the access Layer as web services. Both SOAP and JSON style web services are supported. Currently, two languages are supported C# (.NET) and PHP. The C# for ODBC code generator outputs code handling all three databases (SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL). For PHP there are two different code generators, PHP for MySQL and PHP for PostgreSQL, creating source code using the respective database native driver.